Wednesday, July 19, 2006


mood: ecstatic

Finally got back to leveling pld, and I must admit - I'm somewhat speechless with happiness at finally being back where I belong. I've now had a chance to try many other jobs, and nothing compares to being a paladin. I love my job. XD

It's kinda funny. A week or so ago I adjusted my macros to be more efficient, and I've been struggling with forgetting the order ever since. But the second I was back where I belonged - in front of the mob - it's like it just clicked.

I'm lucky, because my static partner has a knack for making some great parties. We must've gone through about 4 rotations of different people (seems there's hardly anyone seeking on weeknights anymore), but it went so smoothly. And about halfway through, we lost the whm, so the rdm/blu and I divided up the healing. Except for the fact that I had to deathwarp back to get a couple of stacks of antidotes (crawler poison><) . Tell ya what - a crawler and 2 Doom Scorpions makes for some quick deathwarping. O.O lol It's been too long since I've been in a real party. I know this because immediately after we got to camp I realized my head slot was empty. >.> I'd forgotten my mask. And my empress band. And, I forgot to get signet and a warp scroll. Even more >.>. lol Seriously, there should be a party checklist tacked up on the mh wall. I know I need one, anyway.

Oh, and btw - I absolutely love the Crawler's Nest! It's very pretty, and crawlers are fun to kill. ^^ However, I bet I wouldn't like being a puller in there. Which reminds me. At level 36, I'm no longer afraid of links. That probably sounds really funny (or sad), but last night was the first time I've been in a party that could competently handle them.

So yeah, it was fun. I'm just thrilled to be back to doing what I love most.

And now, for the touristy screens from my first visit to Whitegate. I'll have to get some better ones later. o.O

I dunno what that egg thingie in the mh is, but it looks cool. :D


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