Monday, July 10, 2006

19 levels

Lots of progress was made this weekend. 19 levels total - whm and blm are now 14, and cooking is 50. Woot!

I know I said I'd never go to the Dunes again... but I did. And oh, the horror. The horror! After the longest day ever, my poor blm went from 7 to 14. I soloed with help from 7-10. Then spent the better part of 6+ hrs leading one pt after another getting 10-11. Then soloed from 11-13. That was when I got into what I thought would be a great party. Everyone was rank 5 or higher! But alas, it was not to be. The moral of this story: SOLO TO 20. lol I'll let you know how it works out for me.

BLM is a fun job, for sure... Fire and Blaze Spikes are crazy fun XD. But honestly I have much more fun soloing with it than being in a party. I'm only going to take it to 17-18ish (for warp and whm sub) and then I'm going to put it away with war and thf for a long while.

I do want to start leveling pld again, but I kinda wanted to at least get warp out of the way so I could put blm away and focus solely on pld. Hopefully I can make short work of blm because when my pld hits 42 I'll have my own personal rdm static partner and maybe a whm too, from then on. :D I'm excited. :D

And now, I have a confession to make. As I leveled whm from 9 to 14 this weekend, I realized something. I ... like ninjas. ; ; I do. It absolutely kills me to say this (yes, I died a little, thank you), but a good ninja can really make for a very effcient party. However, that experience certainly didn't turn me into a nin-onry whm. Pretty much any tank who can keep hate makes me very happy. Unfortunately, that is EXTREMELY hard to come by in the dunes. /sigh


Blogger Akanea said...

The Dunes are hell lately aren't they?! I dunno about your server but lately the dunes and even Crawlers Nest have been infested by gil sellers. It was so hard to get a pt the other day when I was lvl my Blue Mage (which is now 14 :P) We had two gil sellers in our pt who had one spell each. Stone for the BLM and Cure 1 for the WHM. Talk about frustrating.

3:41 PM  

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