Monday, June 05, 2006

Rank 5 newbie

Talk about a productive weekend. I got rank 4 and 5! woot. According to PS, I'm one lucky bitch. lol Evidently 4 months into the game is rather soon to be rank 5 (hence the title). I've said it before, and I'll say it again - I'm blessed with some amazing friends. I'll never take them for granted.

I have screenies, lots of screenies. But I'll have to post them later.

In other news... I may be giving up on being a paladin. It's entirely too frustrating dealing with dumb people who expect me to be back up voke for a ninja. It's hard to believe there are still people who don't understand that paladins can only do one thing - tank. Ugh. But I have some great paladin mentors, and for their sake I'm giving the job one more shot. I'm adding a search comment (Main tank only / {backup}{provoke}:{No thanks.}) and I'll be making absolutely certain when I join each pt that I'll be main tank. If this same s??t keeps happening (i.e. being informed that the nin will be tanking after I arrive), then I will absolutely politely excuse myself from the pt immediately. It's not worth the aggravation. And anyway, there's no point at all in playing a job in such a way that I'm not having fun or learning anything, just to get exp.

And, now that I'm finally rank 5, I think a little vacation is in order. Hopefully when I come back it'll be fun again.


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