Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The difference between newbies and noobs.

You know me, I don't mind dying. In fact, I rather enjoy sacrificing myself on a regular basis. But it's dying for the idiots that really gets me peeved.

I've caused a party wipeout before. I know what it's like to be new. Hell, I'm still new. However, I don't remember ever being as dumb as the rank 1 noob we pt'd with last night.

She's not the leader. But from the moment I arrived, she's throwing around ridiculous orders, desperately trying to sound like she knows what she's talking about. She didn't listen to anyone, had to be told what to do three or four times before she began to comprehend, and was just generally the classic example of a noob. Almost immediately after I got there, she pulled a gob that we couldn't handle and weren't even ready for. Of course we had to zone it, and damn my pld instincts, but I pulled it off her without even thinking. But after a few seconds, I realized the Smithy train (there were two of them now) had done an aboutface and was headed back to smackdown our whm who had been valiantly throwing out cures. Yeah, that whm wasn't dying on my watch. I voked them off him with 32 hp left >< and made it about 3 steps before I was facedown in the dirt. But the whm made it! So it was worth it. And luckily, my ls mate who'd been out there to join us anyway was able to raise me. ^^

Anyway, back to my point. I've caused a pt death or two. But I have never, and I repeat - NEVER - lol'd and said 'my bad!'. Oh my god, kid. Seriously. Just... wow. Unfortunately, "she" was most likely a 12yrold "he" on summer break. o.O

I did get one level. But the whole experience and the way the night ended just sorta left me with a bad feeling. I want to keep lvling pld, but it's so hard to get a pt during the week, with my schedule the way it is now. Guess it's time to try a new schedule, or better yet, take a break for a while.


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