Monday, August 21, 2006


As you know, my favorite part of the game is Besieged. It's fun to get in there and help defend Al Zahbi. However, sometimes I get stupid. Like when I shield-bashed this lil dude:

He got really mad. And then no one wanted to come raise me 'cause he wouldn't get off my corpse. 0.o lol

Yesterday's Besieged was awesome! We got a full party, it was my friend's first time, I died 6 times, and .... I got 700!!!!!!! It was a hard-fought battle for sure - lasted over an hr, which is the longest I've ever seen. But we won! And I got 700!!!

Ok, enough of that.

Bastok is in first!!!!!!!! Well, tied for 1st with Sandy. I'm so proud. As soon as I saw the conquest update I flew straight home and /shouted congrats to my awesome city. I don't care what anyone says about it - I love Bastok and I'm fiercely loyal. :P

Hmm, what else. Oh yeah, we got three new outpost warps - Jugner, Meriphataud, and Xarcabard. I'm so pleased with myself - I navigated myself and my friend all the way to Xarcabard without maps! I used internet and book maps, and . That was scary, and fun! :D

I guess that's it. I think I'm going to be spending a lot of time this week with Mehr on Odin, and getting pld to 50. After that, gonna have to start farming again. -.- lol

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

3 more levels ...

I was reading the other day, about tanking styles, and one experienced 75 pld wrote that a good paladin knows to to manage hate. Apparently, hate domination is a not the best strategy.


I dominate hate. My party members very rarely, if ever, get hit. Maybe I'll have to adjust my playstyle as I get higher. Haven't really had any complaints yet, though. My DDs love being able to pull out all the stops and not have to worry about getting smacked in the face.

Went out again with my LS static tonight, and 2 of us leveled. Poor rdm bit it twice though, so he didn't make it before we had to disband. I just have to say... the whm we had tonight was just amazing. Ya know, most people know how to do their jobs, and they do alright. But this guy was GOOD. Except for the tiny part where he kept overcuring me XD lol. It was kinda funny. As soon as I dipped below 600 hp, the whm, smn and rdm instantly started casting cure 3 on me. Nice to know I was taken care of, but I coulda used a bit of a buffer for my own hate-inducing cure 3. :P lol

Overall, it was a good night for me - I got 47 and then got to warp straight into Besieged and into a party with my 2 favorite Besieged defenders. Woot!

Only 3 more levels, then Raise is mine. ^_^ I'm determined to have Raise by the end of this weekend. :)

Monday, August 07, 2006

Hey Ya


Right now, I'm saying I just want 50 and raise. Only FIVE more levels! My life would be complete!! But then, as soon as I get 50, you'll see the AF post. I just want 60 and my AF ;; Anyway, no more screenshots til 50. My gear looks so stupid right now.


Oh, and as soon as I get 50, we're going to start doing Assault. XD

That reminds me... I finally got to do another Besieged!! I got 416 exp. lol And I only died twice. I was so proud.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

on NIN tanks...

Quote from a career WHM:

With NIN tanks I'm stuck scanning the log and hp/mp bar... scanning....
scanning... still nothing to do.... scanning... scanning... bored... scanning...
feeling like a leech here... scanning... maybe I'll cast Regen..."OH ^#*@!!!!!"
CANCEL REGEN!!! CURE II! (which is being careful cuz he could really use a


(I'm a pld first, and a whm second. Even though my whm is only 17, I gotta say - I concur. -.-)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Every now and then I read through the "You know you've been a paladin too long when..." thread on Alla. The higher I get, the more I'm guilty of. :D

This is one of my favorite quotes:

"When all the other members voke or try to pull hate off of you because you are in the red but you voke, shield bash, flash, and live anyway because you can."

That's me. :D A few more:

Thf's have exactly 5 seconds to pull off SATA before I voke. -.- Even then, I die a little inside every time I have to give up first voke. I'm excessively fond of my engage macro. ; ; (Provoke, wait 1, /attack) :D

Always /laugh at the nin trying to voke off me. Everyone else will get a polite /tell - 'It's ok, you don't need to voke' after the battle.

I used to remind the DDs at the start of every party to wait until after my 2nd voke to do weapon skills or special attacks, so they wouldn't grab hate off me. Now, I don't bother, because it doesn't matter. :D

I love this job. XD

Honor Sword

First of all, I gotta say - my friends are the awesomest. I love you guys! *sniffle*

I went to go pl a friend's party, and as usual, I planned on just being emergency back-up, and I tell my friend to let me know if I'm over-curing. 'cause I hate to piss off the whm. He lol'd and said kk, which I thought was odd, but I didn't think anything further about it. But then, after a few kills, I looked over at their 'whm' and noticed he was wearing some odd gear. I checked him, and the 'whm' turned out to be a blm wearing fishing gear and little else. O.O And then I realized there were only 5 people in the party. A blm, a drg, a drk, a mnk and a war. lol... So I took over the healing AND the tanking, which SO goes against my principles, but at least my pal got some good exp out of it.

After that, two ls mates (love you guys! XD) took me out to Ordelle's and got my AF sword for me. :D <- that's me grinning from ear to ear. My first AF piece. :D It was truly a momentous occasion. I did get a ss, but the Honor Sword looks exactly like the Grudge Sword. Oh, but it sure doesn't fight like the Grudge Sword. DMG: 28 Delay: 240 VIT +2 MND +2. So far I've only gotten to use it when we went to Davoi to get one of the guys' rdm af weapon, but I'm already in love. :D

I also got to /wave and /stickoutmytongue at the Orcish Dreadnought, which was quite the thrilling experience. o.O