Monday, May 08, 2006

I've been avoiding Qufim like the plague. In the meantime, I've leveled thf to 10, and whm to 6. I hate thf - just doing it for TH at level 15, but I really do love whm. I think it's good to be well-rounded, and I believe whm will be my only other main job besides being a tank. However, tonight I'm gonna get back to Qufim and resume leveling. I find myself missing the thrill of the hunt.

There has been quite the influx of new players lately, and I've very much enjoyed being able to help out. Over the weekend I helped an 04blm do Windy Mission 1-2, because I didn't have the heart to tell him he'd have to wait because he'd get killed doing it on his own. Then when I was on whm, I decided to level my healing magic by following an 06war around E. Sarta. After he leveled, I gave him a set of leather armor, taught him about the AH, and gave him a Butterfly axe. Thankfully he was open to the idea of the great axe, and was pretty excited when I told him how much fun he was going to have with it. The Great Axe Challenge lives! lol I got so much help, and still do get so much help, and it made all the difference for me when I first started. The game is so much more fun when you know what you're doing and know you can get help if you need it. :) It just felt good to pay back a tiny bit of the help I've received.

So, if anyone reads this (I doubt it), wish me luck in Qufim. I'll need it.


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