Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Paragon of Paladin Hawtness

Ya know what? I'm gonna let the pictures do the talking. ^_^

Thanks to the valiant and selfless efforts of my three TrueRune lsmates, I am now resplendent in full paladin AF. Damn I'm hawt. :D

I truly never thought I'd see this day. Thank you guys. :) I can't wait until I can return the favor.

Now that the festivities are over, it's time to break in this shiny new armor and actually earn that title I'm carrying around.


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Life > FFXI, right?

Real life happened, and I've been a gone a long time. I miss this game. More than that though, I miss my friends.

So, I managed to get 60 finally. And whm to 56, war to 42 and nin to 30. I stopped leveling pld because I couldn't get anyone to help me get my AF body. That's one of the drawbacks of leaving the game for so long. >.> But, I worked my butt off and got a hauby, which I know is no AF but it'll do. And I look so hella cool in it. >:D

I just wish I had more time. ;; Might be a while yet before I can truly be back. And when I'm back, I'll be on Odin. Woot! A fresh start is nearly always a good idea.