Friday, April 14, 2006

Yeah, it's been a while since I posted... since I couldn't figure out how to get back into this blog. ><

The big news is that while I was leveling WAR with the intention of using it as a sub for MNK, I discovered the joys of the great axe. At one point I was killing EPs with a single hit, taking no damage at all, and consequently I was leveling at the speed of light. It was freakin' awesome. But, once I got to level 12, that was when the job started sucking big monkey balls. Everything I could find was either too weak, 15 exp, or way too friggin' hard. As you know, WAR takes forEVER to heal, so I was starting to get very frustrated (this was before I learned about Selbina Milk :P).

I grudgingly admitted that pts were my only option, and proceeded to suffer through one whole day of excruciatingly awful pts. The fact is, I'm a tank, and a damn good one, and no, SAM cannot outtank me. Ugh, people. But the next day was much better, and I lucked out by getting into THE most fantastic pt I've ever been in. Yes, they did compliment my tanking skills (I believe the exact words were: "Oh thank god, a tank that can actually tank!"), but that's beside the point. I made 3 levels! Woot! Oh yeah, and I ran into Okiawa and Zaeon. Hi guys! (poke) lol

I'm starting to discover the joys of linkshells. The only thing that intimidates me about the one I'm in is that it's full of very high-level players, and I always feel like I would be boring them if I talk about my adventures. Eh, I'll probably get over that when I start to get to know everyone better.

Damn, this game is fun.


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